About Joy Bomb

In a world dominated by competition and conflict, coming together, sharing knowledge and resources, helping each other out, and building strong communities with networks of care and friendship, is vital to making the world a better place for everyone. We are a small group of committed organizers focused on carving out a space for egalitarian, anti-authoritarian, and non-hierarchical culture to flourish in NWI.

Our goal is to co-create a space for people to form social connections around mutual aid, communal learning/sharing, game/movie nights, various other radical project work, and, perhaps most importantly, just hanging out together. In an alienated and fearful world, we want to foster connection and nurture possibilities for dreaming while building a world worth living in.

All Joy Bomb hosted events are free, often with a suggested donation to keep the space going.

What We Believe

We do our best to create the world we want to bring into existence, here-and-now, organizing the social center without leaders or bosses, giving everyone an equal say in the shape the center will take. When power is shared equally in a group, it can be more effective and sustainable – as well as empowering – for all involved. We want to live in community that feels empowered to act on it's own needs, collectively, rather than giving that power away to politicians or corporations.

As a space Joy Bomb is, by default, a dietary vegan space and supports the abolition of all non-human animal exploitation. Joy Bomb promotes the development and use of animal-free alternatives for the benefit of humans, animals, and the environment.

What We Do

We host skillshares, creative/crafty events, movie nights, concerts/shows, fruit tree giveaways, a tool library (upcoming!), free food distributions, and much much more! As a community, we are dedicated to empowering our neighbors to meet and act collectively for the benefit of all. We come together to create a caring, just, and sustainable alternative to the for-profit world that holds us all back.

Hosting your event at Joy Bomb Social Center

So, you want to host an event at the Joy Bomb Social Center? Email the collective joybombsocialcenter@proton.me with details of your proposed event. 

Supporting Joy Bomb

Ongoing Monetary Support

One of the most meaningful ways you can help Joy Bomb exist is to offer recurring donations to help us pay the building off and make needed repairs and upgrades. Our goal is to find donors at the $20-25 / month level for a commitment of a year or more. This will help us reach our goal of autonomy within 5 years!

You can sign up to contribute on our Open Collective page.

Share Resources

Do you have stuff that might be useful for a social center? We're always in search for things like tables, chairs, kitchen supplies, tools, arts & crafts materials. Please consider giving them a second life at Joy Bomb!


Do you or someone you know have a specialized knowledge, area of interest, or abilities? Everyone has something special to share, so if you want to help contribute in terms of knowledge sharing or teaching, please get in touch at joybombsocialcenter@proton.me

Give Time & Energy

We are working on publishing events, including work days! Help us clean the space, make improvements, or prepare for events!